On Sunday, January 27, 2013 by Unknown   2 comments
Physical characteristics of Indigo Children, Are In Your Child?Indigo Children are born with an old soul,or early adult levels by agevery young or children. Some childrenIndigo even showing growthextraordinary life since the age of the baby, such asanalytical thinking skills in understandingfunction objects, judge of characteradult, revealed his intentionthe people around him, and the otherso on. Influence the development of the soultoo fast is also seen inphysical growth as emerging teethfaster, and motor skills such aswalked and talked earlier ofbabies in general.Due to the ability of an Indigo child lies inthe strength of his soul, the physical formnumerous in specific parts ofhead. Distinctive characteristic is the shapehead a little bit bigger than a babyor children in general, particularlyon the circumference of the head, and the forehead andwider forehead.Quantity brain Indigo children are usually morerelatively large due to its useoften from an early age before. They think andanalyze each what is seen, heardor felt.Widening the circumference of the head showeduse telepathic abilities, on the foreheadis analytic, while the forehead isvisualization and imagination imagessupernatural.The form also has the ear leaf shapea little more out of the head,lengthwise on the top, and a littlebend up at the flaringbottom. More powerful "reptilian instinct"is because the characteristic appearance of an animaldepicted in the form of this earlobe.So also with the eyes, especially eyeseyes are very sharp and deep, withpart of the pupil or the puppets eyebigger, so it seemed only remaininglittle room for whiteeyes. Indigo children eyes leaveback with a child's eyesautism. If children with autism can not stareeyes of others, or can notconcentrated at a single point in timelong, while the Indigo children instead,they boldly staring - whileanalyze characters - adultsbefore them, and the level of concentrationto something very high forthem. While the puppets eyeshowed greater ability to seemagical creatures and things that are hiddenmore from other dimensions. Moreoverthere are some children who are born Indigowith the eyes of a little cross-eyed, well intomiddle - toward the nose - or out.Arrangement of teeth they usually lookneat and nice, and was very sharpwhen you feel the bite. At the age ofwhen the baby begins to grow one or two teeth,they tend to perform activities of nip-bite more frequent and intense.There's a kind of strange signs that mayfound at the time of his birth - andmay be carried over until the age of someyears. The sign is located on the forehead, between theboth eyes, a little bit on it. SignIndigo children are the most visible enoughpunch clear as the former imprintdark in color rather vague. Signis like a "third eye", which revealhimself physically.So my little knowledge about thephysical characteristics of an Indigo child, who may beassist parents in recognizingkeindigoan on their children, especiallysince the age of the baby (toddler) to age-child. The characteristics mentioned above could besurvive to adulthood, but usuallywill decrease or increaseappropriate changes in behavior and emotionssoul. But in general, the size of the headlarger, leaf shape ears, foreheadand a wide forehead, and eyes willsurvive until adulthood.


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